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October 28, 2008


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I love Hello Cupcake! But at times I find it intimidating! A werewolf is a wonderful idea I think it looks delicious!


Hee! You said boobs! The important thing is you had fun, right? And who says a dragon with boobs isn't Halloweeny? :)


BAHAHAHA. Dragon with boobs. Ohmygod. I am seriously cackling. I definitely think that canned frosting is stiffer and that probably helps with the sagging. I appreciate the effort and love your write up. Just what I needed this morning. PS. Love me some GeorgeTown Cupcakes. Mmmm.... Thanks for baking with me this week!
Clara @ iheartfood4thought


Your cupcake is making me laugh! But I swear I can see the werewolf in it! And yes, we have to find out the secrets of those yummy bakery cupcakes!


Hahaha well at least the dragon has big boobs. That has to make up for some of it right?


Humm, I don't see the dragon, chihuahua maybe! Cute! That cupcake book intimidates me just looking at it and seeing some of what Bakerella can do! This ganache icing from TWD I don't think is the right kind for animal decorations, etc. Cute post and idea though! ;)


Ah, Teanna, you make me laugh. You always do. Yeah, patience is a virture when it comes to cupcake decorating, I suppose, but I think you drew a sensible line in the sand in refusing to purchase Fruit By The Foot. I can see "werewolf" in the cupcake if I look at it one way, but if I look at it another way, I do see "the girls."


Dragon with boobs!!! Hilarious!


Too funny! I love your cupcakes...dragons with boobs, never seen that one before!


Too funny! I love your cupcakes...dragons with boobs, never seen that one before!


We can't channel Martha Stewart everyday! I applaud you for trying!



Dragon with boobies....

I bet they tasted wonderful.

Nancy (n.o.e.)

Actually I think he's pretty werewolf-y. My daughter has Magnolia Bakery's cookbook, so I'll look for the recipe.


Your cupcakes scared the crap out of me..HA! Actually I laughed out loud! I had NO patience this week so I frosted mine with the help of Betty Crocker.


lol, that is one scary cupcake! it is ugly-cute like a pug :)
i wish i knew the bakery secrets too... i have the magnolia cookbook and it's just not the same... but will keep trying :)

Kelly D

My kids talked me into that Fruit by the Foot once. Stay away. far away. Your post, as usual, is hilarious.


I love the werewolf!! These were gone in a heartbeat: tasted amazing@


Too funny - I can see the werewolf in there, now that you point it out :) Nicely carved pumpkin too!


How funny!! I think the werewolf is kinda cute. I'm definitely "decorating cupcakes challenged" Your pumpkin looks great!


Hmm I'm not seeing the dragon with boobs image, but if you say so haha At least you had fun!

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